
Kids Read: Africa

I’ll be updating some of the book lists on my website this week, starting with books from African countries we have already read. You can see the full lists of books we’ve read from these countries on the Picture Book List.

Egypt: Zafirah The Egyptian Cat, by Kira Wayne, illustrated by Marta Maszkiewicz, and is self published. There is a serious shortage of books written about modern Egypt. Zafirah The Egyptian Cat fills this void. It tells the story of a fluffy white kitten who is adopted by a woman, Lyna, at a pet adoption fair in Cairo. Each spread is a vignette featuring a different sight, sound, or experience the cat has in Egypt, most of which are based on true events. You can follow Zafirah’s adventures on Instagram @zafirahtheegyptiancat. This book was sent to me for review by the author, all opinions are my own.

South Africa: The Soccer Fence: A Story of Friendship, Hope and Apartheid in South Africa is by Phil Bildner, illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson, published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons. The Soccer Fence tells the story of a young boy who dreams of playing soccer on a nice pitch outside of his neighborhood in apartheid Johannesburg, South Africa. When Nelson Mandela was freed from prison, and apartheid started to crumble, the young boy continued to play and wish he could play with the white boys he watches. It is finally a World Cup match that brings the boys together. The Soccer Fence nicely weaves together history, sport, and fiction to teach about apartheid and South Africa’s history. I borrowed this book from our local library.

South Africa: The Elephants Come Home: A True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and One Extraordinary Friendship is by Kim Tomsic and illustrated by Hadley Hooper, published by Chronicle Books. The Elephants Come Home is the true story of Thula Thula, a wildlife refuge in South Africa, and it’s amazing elephants. Told with simple language, this beautifully illustrated, heartwarming story, shows how important giving love and having patience with animals is. I borrowed this book from our school library.

South Africa: At the Crossroads is by Rachel Isadora, and published by Greenwillow Books. It tells the story of a group of children in a shanty town waiting for their fathers to come home after being away at work for 10 months. Children can relate to the children’s excitement and anticipation of seeing a parent again. It is based on an experience the author had while visiting South Africa. I borrowed this book from our local library.

If you know of any other books from, or by authors from African countries we have read books for already, please let me know!