Book List: North America

Kids Read: Bermuda

Bermuda is the oldest self-governing overseas territory in the British Commonwealth. Its 1968 constitution provides the island with formal responsibility for internal self-government, while the British Government retains responsibility for external affairs, defense, and security. (US Dept. of State) While it is technically part of Great Britain, Bermuda governs itself and has its own culture and customs, so I decided to separate it and give it its own list.

If you know of any other stories set in Bermuda, or by a Bermudian author, please let me know so I can add them to our list! I would love to include stories from indigenous writers on this list too.

Kid Reads

Else B. In the Sea: The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Sea

Else B. had a passion for painting the natural world. In 1930 she followed that dream all the way to the ocean floor in Bermuda, a place few had ever been.

Using poetic text, readers get to venture with Else B. as she puts on an enormous copper helmet, and slips down into an unknown world. By her side, we discover a magical fairyland that exists 6 fathoms below the surface. We watch as Else realizes there are certain colors that go missing a mere two fathoms down. We see her grit and ingenuity as she works to bring painting supplies to the ocean floor. We watch as she honors the creatures brought up from the midnight zone by William Beebe in his bathysphere by painting them  “with their tentacles, fangs, bulging eyes, and brilliant shivers and sparkles.” We are thankful that Else B. has created these paintings that were published alongside William Beebe’s scientific observations in a magazine, igniting the imagination of readers around the globe.

While Else B. in the Sea is not a complete biography of Else’s life because it focuses on one time in her life, it once again reminds me how much we can learn from picture book biographies. From this one we get to learn about the underwater world surrounding Bermuda, about scientific advancements in the 1930s, and how important art is in our world.  Like Else B. who used paint to showcase what she saw, the author of this book has painted a beautiful memorial to her with words.

There is an extensive author’s note and information relevant to understanding the text, as well as source material in the back matter. Endpages feature a map of Bermuda, which is self-governing overseas territory in the British Commonwealth with its own history and culture.

TitleElse B. in the Sea: The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep

Author: Jeanne Walker Harvey

Illustrator: Melodie Stacey

Publisher: Cameron Kids [2024]

Else B. in the Sea was sent to me for review by Blue Slip Media and Cameron Kids. All opinions are my own.

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